CEEH Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica

Karge, Henrik

Henrik Karge, professor of Art History at the Technische Universität Dresden, is the author of La catedral de Burgos y la arquitectura del siglo XIII en Francia y España (1995, 1st ed. in German, 1989) and editor or co-editor of the following works: Vision oder Wirklichkeit. Die spanische Malerei der Neuzeit (1991); Spanische Kunstgeschichte. Eine Einführung (1992); Grabkunst und Sepulkralkultur in Spanien und Portugal (2006); 1810 – 1910 – 2010. Independencias dependientes. Kunst und nationale Identitäten in Lateinamerika / Arte e identidades nacionales en América Latina (2015). He has published various studies on medieval architecture and sculpture in Spain, as well as on nineteenth-century art historians in Germany, especially Karl Schnaase, Franz Kugler, Jacob Burckhardt, and Carl Justi. He is the editor of a complete facsimile edition of the writings of Gottfried Semper (2008–14) and has been a member of the presidency of the Carl Justi-Vereinigung / Asociación Carl Justi since its establishment in 1989.

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