The Habsburgs
Monographs devoted to the leading figures of this Spanish ruling family in Europe. Recognised specialists in 16th and 17th-century political and cultural history address the study of these personalities based on documentary and artistic sources, examining hitherto unpublished aspects of their lives and evaluating their roles as rulers and patrons of culture, in volumes richly illustrated with many works of art.
Arquitectura y Monarquía en Madrid, 1620-1700
Jesús Escobar328 pages; 161 colour images; hardcover, 20 x 28 cm; Spanish; translated by J. Santana Lario; originally published in English by Penn State University Press, University Park, 2022; 2025 -
A Spectacle for a Spanish Princess
The Festive Entry of Joanna of Castile into Brussels (1496)Dagmar H. Eichberger (ed.)440 pages; 240 color illustrations; hardcover; 17.8 x 25.4 cm; English; edited by Brepols with the collaboration of CEEH; 2024 -
Reina, madre y estadista
Mariana de Austria y el gobierno de EspañaSilvia Z. Mitchell328 pages; 97 colour illustrations; hardcover, 20 x 28 cm; Spanish; translated by I. García Ureta and I. Morán García; originally published in English by Penn State University Press, University Park, 2019; 2023 -
Mariana de Neoburgo, última reina de los Austrias
Vida y legado artísticoGloria Martínez Leiva432 pages; 184 colour illustrations; hardcover, 20 x 28 cm; Spanish; foreword by Javier Jordán de Urríes; 2022 -
El archiduque Alberto
Piedad y política dinástica durante las guerras de religiónLuc Duerloo536 pages; 113 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 20 x 28 cm; Spanish; 2015 -
Cómo ser rey. Instrucciones del emperador Carlos V a su hijo Felipe. Mayo de 1543
Rachael Ball and Geoffrey Parker (eds.)160 pages; 68 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 23,5 x 32,5 cm; Spanish-English bilingual edition; jointly published with the CSA and The Hispanic Society of America; 2014 -
Isabel Clara Eugenia
Female Sovereignty in the Courts of Madrid and BrusselsCordula van Wyhe (dir.)448 pages; 192 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 20 x 28 cm; English; jointly published with Paul Holberton publishing; 2011 -
Isabel Clara Eugenia
Soberanía femenina en las cortes de Madrid y BruselasCordula van Wyhe (dir.)448 pages; 192 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 20 x 28 cm; Spanish; jointly published with Paul Holberton publishing; 2011 -
Juana I
Arte, poder y cultura en torno a una reina que no gobernóMiguel Ángel Zalama388 pages; 133 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 20 x 28 cm; Spanish; with the collaboration of the SECC, the Dirección General del Libro (Ministerio de Cultura) and the Diputación de Valladolid; 2010 -
Carlos II
El rey y su entorno cortesanoLuis Ribot (dir.)448 pages; 149 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 20 x 28 cm; Spanish; with the collaboration of Patrimonio Nacional; 2009 -
Ana de Austria
Infanta de España y reina de FranciaChantal Grell (dir.)492 pages; 204 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 20 x 28 cm; Spanish; jointly published with the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles; 2009 -
Anne d’Autriche
Infante d’Espagne et reine de FranceChantal Grell (dir.)452 pages, 204 illustrations; hardcover; French; a joint publication of the CEEH and the Centre de recherche du château de Versailles; 2009 -
Felipe I el Hermoso
La belleza y la locuraMiguel Ángel Zalama y Paul Vandenbroeck (dirs.)304 pages; 112 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 20 x 28 cm; Español; a joint publication of Fundación Carlos de Amberes and Fundación Caja de Burgos; 2006 -
Felipe IV
El hombre y el reinadoJosé Alcalá-Zamora (dir.)334 pages; 125 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 20 x 28 cm; Spanish; jointly published with the Real Academia de la Historia; 2005