CEEH Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica

Solache Vilela, Gloria

Gloria Solache Vilela, who holds a degree in Art History, was curator of the collection of drawings and prints of the Real Academia Española (1998−2004), where she was in charge of cataloguing, conservation and publishing (La colección de estampas Rodríguez-Moñino/Brey, 2004). Since 2008 she has been a museum technician at the Department of Drawings and Prints of the Museo Nacional del Prado. She has published studies on Spanish drawings and prints of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, notably Cecilio Pizarro, ilustrador editorial (2016) and Los dibujos de Carlos Luis de Ribera y las recientes adquisiciones del Museo del Prado (2018). She is currently working on the papers Goya used for his drawings and published the first conclusions in Francisco de Goya (1746−1828). Dibujos: Catálogo razonado. Volumen II 1771−1792 (2018).

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